Join conditions.
Venture in itself is risky, choose the district carefully, long-term stable operation is the ultimate goal. Venture is a hardship, endless roads, no compromise, no retreat is we want to work hard together with partners.

We need to have the following conditions:
The first condition:
Aged 25 to 35 years old, high school level (inclusive) above.
The second condition.
Need a full-time business , good health , good credit
Catering services need work longer hours every day , and tneed to stand for long periods, beforehand please carefully assess their own health is appropriate.
The third condition.
Willing to follow the guidance of the head office and operational planning, a high degree of brand recognition.
In order to strengthen the brand, taking into account the brand image, quality and consistency of the head office for the franchise unified management, and strict requirements.The fourth condition.
Need to have more than 2 people (including franchisees) accepted 240 hours of professional training.
Headquarters for the franchisees have very strict qualification examination, each franchisees are required to devote himself.The fifth condition.
Shop locations subject to assessment by head office.
Venture in itself is risky, choose the district carefully.The sixth condition.
Affiliate agreement would be signed a year and be subject to assessment each month, if the score does not pass will not be renewed.