

Application Form.

Thank you for visiting our website, please fill out the form below and clearly tell us your demands,
After we received a message, we will contact you as soon as possible, thank you again. ( * Are required)

Currently open area to join the priority: Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu limit (limited area).

Notice of Application Form:

You fill out the following information, [Teashop] will respect individual privacy, fulfill the obligation of confidentiality will not be shared, I beg you fill out detailed, enabling you to join us to assess the job, who failed to detail, I am afraid can not accept the application.

Important Reminder

The applicant acknowledges and agrees to provide the above personal data to FANG YUAN F&B INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company"). The Company will use this data within the territory of the Republic of China in accordance with Article 3 of the Personal Information Protection Act and the items and scope selected in this form for the purpose of this application, subsequent communication, and internal data management.

Basic personal information



Please fill School and Department

Working Experience

Affiliate consulting

  • Store Name
  • Industry
  • Nubmer of Partners
  • Relationship

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